May 25, 2010

- Yeah!! -

First day at work and let me tell you, it involved a WHOLE LAMB cadaver that was BUTCHERED in front of out eyes. So that we could learn about the different cuts of the meat that we'll be serving at the restaurant of course! Very, very interesting actually! And the butcher did the same thing with a whole chicken and the kind of chest (?) of a cow ! I felt a bit sick lookin at the lamb when he had it turned on its side with its back towards us, it just looked very real and savage and slaughtered. Not a nice view. But I got over it pretty quickly and after that it was just smooth sailing! We also had pasta training. I know more about meat and pasta than I've ever known before, which is great! I'll be able to do a better job that way! Looking forward to what the rest of the week's going to bring. Oh and, the people I'll be working with all seem fairly nice, met some really cool people today! When we finished at 5 I went to HaHa and met up with K, she treated me to a cider and I treated myself to one of their desserts, cookies and cream - yum! And then we went to Tesco (in kennington - the one that I never remember where it is) and did some food shopping! Nice and hot day today. Now, I'm gonna watch an episode of Private Practice and then go to sleep. I start at 9 am tomorrow.


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