May 13, 2010

- Robin Hood -

First of all, my interview was cancelled today because none of the managers were there (?) - Thanks for telling me! So yeah, I went there and they said they'd notify the managers and give me a call. But I don't really want to work there, it's just that it would've been so convenient to be able to walk to work! Nevermind. I've got two other interviews tomorrow, one in Covent Garden (also within walking distance) and one close to barbican (not so much within walking distance) - I have a feeling both of them are gonna be these informal interviews where they ask you all kinds of non-standard crazy questions and you have to do a little bit of role-play as well - wouldn't surprise me because they asked me to set aside an hour and a half, and that it was going to be a group interview! We'll see tomorrow!
Anyway, on my way to the gym I picked up Karina from her work place. Didn't know whether or not she'd be there so I just thought I'd check and she was! She had just finished work so she came with me to that gym on the Strand - we had a look around and it was really good - it had a swimming pool, a jacuzzi, saunas, they had lots of treadmills in the gym and 3 rooms for classes (spinning, cardio, yoga). It all seemed great, and it's within walking distance from home (and from work if I get the job in Covent Garden) so I joined!! He was able to give me a student discount, even though you have to be under 23 (strange age limit?) and he threw in some other discounts as well, but even with that I am paying a monthly FORTUNE for my membership so I am gonna have to live at the gym this summer!!
After that Karina said she wanted to go see Robin Hood at CineWorld and since I am a student and get discounts there as well (:P) I tagged along! We went to Trocadero (a mall/archade type of thing close to Picadilly) and got our tickets and then we had just enough time to have a couple of pizza slices on leicester sq - yum!
The movie was good. Not great, not revolutionary. It was just one of those movies with a little bit of excitement but not too much, a little bit of romance but not too much and so on. There could have been more of everything but you still walked away pretty satisfied.. Then we walked home! Or Karina walked with me to lambeth north and then got a bus home! I love the fact that I live so close to the very centre! It's kinda perfect :)


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