May 14, 2010

I've got a job!!

Both interviews yesterday went well! The first interview was at 10 am and lasted till about 12 - the recruitment-guy went on and on about the company for TWO hours! We (there were six applicants) were all fed up at the end but managed to keep a straight face.. But yeah, I got the job there, but realized I really didn't want it, I told them I had another interview that day and that I would get back to them later on (which I realize now I forgot to do). So yeah, I left there and went to covent garden for the other interview (for the italian restaurant) which lasted only 10 min!! And the people there were so relaxed and friendly. That's the kinda people I'd like to work with, the lady that interviewed me was really cool and we got along great! She hired me on the spot and so I start on May 24th with training first and the restaurant is due to open on June 7th, which is a little late, meaning money will be tight until then, but that's fine. I'd rather work somewhere where I actually like the atmosphere and the people, than take the job for the money! Anyway! I'm really looking forward to start the training and everything, I think it'll be fun!
I'm gonna head over to the gym today, maybe. And then come back and study for a while. Might meet up with J and Y for drinks later on, we'll see!


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