May 30, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Yeah, I have been crazy busy all week and I've nearly had no time for sleep!! But it's all been good fun and I hope this is just a little preview of what is to come this summer. I have a feeling is going to be stressful, hectic and crazy, yet fantastic, hilarious and memorable. We'll see :) Week one of training at the restaurant is now over, it's been a lot to take in, but I think once we put all of the info and training into action, it'll all fall into place!
I got my first 'atta girl' from the General Manager yesterday - he smiled and said "you did good today". Something as simple as that can really make my day and it's nice when all the effort you put in is actually acknowledged by the management. I think that's really important. - That is what will make or break this restaurant I think. Team-Management communication. Not only do I want them to tell me when I've done good, I also want them to tell me when I could do better, that way I'll always stay on top of my game!
Enough about work. Remember that dress I said I wanted to get? I got it!!! It was 25% off as well! So now it's on a hanger, lighting up my gloomy closet - I need more summer stuff - dresses, tops, shorts, skirts... But that's gonna have to wait until I start earning som cash! Time for one episode of Modern Family, then som studying of the menu for tomorrow! Ciao for now.


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