May 30, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

Yeah, I have been crazy busy all week and I've nearly had no time for sleep!! But it's all been good fun and I hope this is just a little preview of what is to come this summer. I have a feeling is going to be stressful, hectic and crazy, yet fantastic, hilarious and memorable. We'll see :) Week one of training at the restaurant is now over, it's been a lot to take in, but I think once we put all of the info and training into action, it'll all fall into place!
I got my first 'atta girl' from the General Manager yesterday - he smiled and said "you did good today". Something as simple as that can really make my day and it's nice when all the effort you put in is actually acknowledged by the management. I think that's really important. - That is what will make or break this restaurant I think. Team-Management communication. Not only do I want them to tell me when I've done good, I also want them to tell me when I could do better, that way I'll always stay on top of my game!
Enough about work. Remember that dress I said I wanted to get? I got it!!! It was 25% off as well! So now it's on a hanger, lighting up my gloomy closet - I need more summer stuff - dresses, tops, shorts, skirts... But that's gonna have to wait until I start earning som cash! Time for one episode of Modern Family, then som studying of the menu for tomorrow! Ciao for now.


May 25, 2010

- Yeah!! -

First day at work and let me tell you, it involved a WHOLE LAMB cadaver that was BUTCHERED in front of out eyes. So that we could learn about the different cuts of the meat that we'll be serving at the restaurant of course! Very, very interesting actually! And the butcher did the same thing with a whole chicken and the kind of chest (?) of a cow ! I felt a bit sick lookin at the lamb when he had it turned on its side with its back towards us, it just looked very real and savage and slaughtered. Not a nice view. But I got over it pretty quickly and after that it was just smooth sailing! We also had pasta training. I know more about meat and pasta than I've ever known before, which is great! I'll be able to do a better job that way! Looking forward to what the rest of the week's going to bring. Oh and, the people I'll be working with all seem fairly nice, met some really cool people today! When we finished at 5 I went to HaHa and met up with K, she treated me to a cider and I treated myself to one of their desserts, cookies and cream - yum! And then we went to Tesco (in kennington - the one that I never remember where it is) and did some food shopping! Nice and hot day today. Now, I'm gonna watch an episode of Private Practice and then go to sleep. I start at 9 am tomorrow.


May 22, 2010

- Saturday -

Ended up staying in last night watching The Shawshank Redemption with my flatmate! I've ment to see that movie for ages, I'd heard it was supposed to be good. And I really liked it! Morgan Freeman and Tim Robbins were awesome.

Tonight - A b-day pubcrawl in Farringdon. It was Y's friend's b-day a couple of weeks back and he just decided to celebrate it tonight! So yeah, should be fun! I'm gonna hit the books for a little while first though, then the shower, then get going!!

Laters. xM

May 21, 2010

- Good Morning -

Yes it is. Because it's friday, the sun is shining and it is going to be 27*C todaaay :D I will only be enjoying it for about an hour though (walking to the gym and back) and then I'll be in studying the rest of the day but that's alright! I'm just glad the sun's out! We're going to a house party tonight :) and probably going clubbing as well. We'll see.

Ok, time to hit the books, then the gym, then the books again! Happy Friday!


May 20, 2010

- No money No funny -

Men ååååååh. As I would say in Swedish. I've got my eye on this dress online that I would love love love to get my hands on, but I can't afford it yeeeeeet!!! And I just got an e-mail with a 20% discount code and I STILL can't afford it :'(.. But it will be mine eventually.


May 19, 2010

- Pasta -

Made this very simple yet delicious dish yesterday! Added mushrooms to the frying pan though, and LOADS of parmeggiano reggiano on top!! Loved it!

Freaked out a little bit earlier today cause I called the people at the italian restaurant (where I'll be working) and asked them when we'll get our first pay, and she said not until end of JUNE!!!! What the face?!?! So I thought I was gonna have to give up the job cause I don't have enough money now to pay June's rent and food and everything else.. But then I just remembered it's all going to be fine because I've got some money coming in that I had totally forgot about! Thank the heavens!! So now I'm fine again :)

Had dinner at Vapiano today :) Finally! Been trying to go there since february!! But now that I finally went, as usual, my expectations were really high and so, naturally, I was disappointed. But, the service was ok and the food was ok and the place itself was ok, the whole experience was saved by the company which was great :) (as always when you go dining with Karina)! But apparently the pizzas are supposed to be better than the pastas and also, the tiramisu is alledgedly to die for (!!!) so I'll definitely give it another shot!

Tomorrow I have an appointment with a personal trainer at my gym! I'm gonna bombard him with questions about this and that (I want my money's worth!) so we'll see how it goes!


May 14, 2010

I've got a job!!

Both interviews yesterday went well! The first interview was at 10 am and lasted till about 12 - the recruitment-guy went on and on about the company for TWO hours! We (there were six applicants) were all fed up at the end but managed to keep a straight face.. But yeah, I got the job there, but realized I really didn't want it, I told them I had another interview that day and that I would get back to them later on (which I realize now I forgot to do). So yeah, I left there and went to covent garden for the other interview (for the italian restaurant) which lasted only 10 min!! And the people there were so relaxed and friendly. That's the kinda people I'd like to work with, the lady that interviewed me was really cool and we got along great! She hired me on the spot and so I start on May 24th with training first and the restaurant is due to open on June 7th, which is a little late, meaning money will be tight until then, but that's fine. I'd rather work somewhere where I actually like the atmosphere and the people, than take the job for the money! Anyway! I'm really looking forward to start the training and everything, I think it'll be fun!
I'm gonna head over to the gym today, maybe. And then come back and study for a while. Might meet up with J and Y for drinks later on, we'll see!
