February 18, 2010

February 15, 2010

- I Thought I Told Ya -

- BedRock -

- Pocket Change -

Seriously, I'm so broke right now, it's not even funny.. I've literally got a few coins and a gum wrapper to live off of.. Luckily, I think I have some money coming my way soon so I just have to make 'em last til the end of the week. I've been walking around for weeks proclaiming my weak and vulnerable account status, but I could never have foreseen it'd get to this!! To a point where I can't get the bus because the credit on my bus pass is about to run out! To a point where I actually have to eat less not to deplete my already scarce food stock too! Anyway.. kudos to me for actually not hitting the wall sooner (due to shopaholism)...!

February 14, 2010

- One of Those Days -

Don't let the slight smirk in the pic fool u.. Everything sucks right now. Wish I could just drop everything and start over somewhere else. That's what I need right now. A. Fresh. Start.

February 10, 2010

- Percolated Pink -

My cousin got me this for xmas and I only got around to try it just now, it's cute! But way darker than the picture suggests!

February 07, 2010

- I love, U love -

'But my arms can hold you, my kiss console you, I'll come and love you tonight..' 

- Saturday -

Feels like any other day. When I'm working full time I think to myself 'maaan, when I was studying I could study whenever I felt like it and when I didn't, I just didn't..' And when I'm studying I think to myself 'maaan, atleast when I was working I knew my days off were really my days off, and I could relax fully..'. Never satisfied, hey?